Wrik Bhadra

I am a graduate student in the Roy J. Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering at The University of Iowa, where I work on problems related to medical imaging, specifically injured lung segmentation. My research interests are in medical imaging, computer vision and machine learning.

Previously, I worked as a Machine Learning Engineer at Rakuten on projects related to object detection (computer vision) and time-series analysis. I was also part of a research project in Spring 2020 on predicting hemodynamic shock in Intensive Care Units (ICUs).

I received my Master's degree in Computer Science & Engineering from IIIT Delhi, India.

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profile photo
  • 09/2024: Our shape priors work for injured lung segmentation is in preparation for submission to ISBI 2025 as a full paper. More details soon!
  • 06/2024: Selected to attend the Rising BME Scholars Regional Conference 2024 at the University of Illinois Chicago! UIC media article
  • 04/2024: Invited by the UIowa BME Department to moderate one of the undergrad Senior Design Day 2024 sessions. SDD 2024 roster
  • 01/2023: Grad school and research assistantship begins at Iowa.
  • 11/2022: Our paper (work done during Masters), titled "Transcriptional advantage influence odorant receptor gene choice", gets accepted in Briefings in Functional Genomics as a journal article!
  • 10/2022: Secured graduate admit in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Iowa.
  • 08/2022: Won the Rakuten Excellence Award for our work on anomaly detection in Rakuten SixthSense!
  • 08/2022: Completed 2 years at Rakuten. certificate
  • 07/2022: Paper titled "Transcriptional Advantage Influence Odorant Receptor gene choice" submitted to the FEBS Journal.
  • 06/2022: Selected in the first cohort of the Google India ML Bootcamp 2022! acknowledgment
  • 12/2021: First utility patent filed at the USPTO! acknowledgment
  • 12/2021: We secured first position in the Rakuten Eureka (Innovation) category at Rakuten India annual awards 2021! snip
  • 11/2021: Promoted to Software Engineer II (Machine Learning) at Rakuten India!
  • 10/2021: We have submitted our work on predicting hemodynamic shock in ICUs to a top journal; under review.
  • 09/2021: Nithish and I are working towards a patent. More details soon!
  • 08/2021: Celebrated 1-year work anniversary at Rakuten India. certificate
  • 04/2021: Shortlisted in the top 110 teams out of 7500+ submissions in Rakathon 2021, Rakuten India's annual hackathon. Unfortunately, we couldn't make it to the top-10. certificate
  • 08/2020: Received full-time offer from Rakuten India!
  • 06/2020: Joined Rakuten India as a Software Engineering intern.
  • 01/2020: Joined Rakuten Ready as a Research intern.
Publications / Patents / Pre-prints
Method, Apparatus, and Computer Readable Medium
Nithish Divakar, Wrik Bhadra

US Patent & Trademark Office (application #: 17/645,726) [filed Dec 2021]

A vision-based automated predictve maintenance system for cellular antenna towers that detects structural damage (bend) in them and alerts concerned authorities.

Generalized Prediction of Hemodynamic Shock in Intensive Care Units
Aditya Nagori, Pradeep Singh, Sameena Firdos, Vanshika Vats, Arushi Gupta, Harsh Bandhey, Anushtha Kalia, Arjun Sharma, Prakriti Ailavadi, Raghav Awasthi, Wrik Bhadra, Ayushmaan Kaul, Rakesh Lodha, Tavpritesh Sethi

AAAS Science Translational Medicine

A study on deep learning-based models for predicting hemodynamic shock in ICUs across different geographical contexts and age groups.
medRxiv / pdf / code
Transcriptional advantage influence odorant receptor gene choice
Sanjay Kumar Mohanty, Sidrah Maryam, Vishakha Gautam, Aayushi Mittal, Krishan Gupta, Radhika Arora, Wrik Bhadra, Tripti Mishra, Debarka Sengupta, Gaurav Ahuja

Briefings in Functional Genomics

Odorant receptors (ORs) obey mutual exclusivity and monoallelic mode of expression. We developed Reverse Cell Tracking (RCT), a novel computational framework that facilitates OR-guided cellular backtracking by leveraging Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection embeddings from RNA Velocity Workflow.
paper link

Selected Projects

These include coursework, side projects, reproduced materials and unpublished research work.

Shape priors improve injured lung segmentation in ARDS-afflicted subjects

UIowa COE Research Open House (Spring 2024)

ARDS is a life-threatening condition despite advancements in medical care. CT is used to diagnose ARDS and study lung heterogeneity. Automated segmentation of lungs in CT images is necessary for efficient quantitative-CT analysis. But, existing lung segmentation algorithms fail in severe cases of ARDS, where it is difficult to discriminate consolidated lung from surrounding soft tissue.

Distracted Driver Detection

IIIT Delhi CSE544 (Winter 2019)

Given dashboard images of drivers, our system aims to classify the driver on the basis of 10 predefined actions such as texting, speaking on the phone, reaching backwards etc. to detect distraction and alert them.
poster / code

Enhanced Pattern Unlocking in Smartphones

IIIT Delhi CSE643 (Monsoon 2018)

To overcome smudge attacks and over-the-shoulder snooping in swipe-based unlocking mechanism in smartphones, our system considers the actual haptic gesture and speed for authentication.
report / code
Movie Recommendation System

IIIT Delhi CSE542 (Winter 2019)

Revisiting movie recommendation systems by analysing item-based collaborative filtering, wrapper method for feature selection and other relevant techniques such as kNN similarity.
poster / report / code
UIowa Logo The University of Iowa
Mentor, Moderator, Interviewer

Mentored a BME undergrad on a project involving 3D lung segmentation in human CT scans.
Summer 2024

Invited by the BME Department to moderate a session for BME Senior Design Day 2024.
April 2024

Conducted initial discussion-cum-interview for five prospective graduate students.
March 2024 & Summer 2023

Peer Mentor for two incoming international graduate students under the iPeer Mentorship Program.
Spring 2024 & Fall 2023

RakutenIndia Rakuten India
Interviewer, Mentor, Representative

Conducted technical interviews for a prospective full-time and three intern candidates for a separate business unit.
Jun 2021 & Mar 2021

Mentored a CS undergrad intern on a project involving application of image processing techniques.
Nov 2020 - Jan 2021

Attended and manned booth on behalf of Rakuten India as tech representative. certificate
Feb 2020
iiit_delhi Institute Innovation Council
IIIT Delhi

2019 - 2020

  • When I'm not working, I enjoy playing chess (Lichess profile) and reading experiential & self-developmental books (eg. Deep Work).

  • During my Bachelor's, I took keen interest in the French language that was being offered as part of our skill development program. I then proceeded to complete DELF A1 at AfdB Kolkata. Consequently, je parle un petit peu français!

  • As a reminder, my journey into the field of AI began during undergrad when out of curiosity I registered for Dr. Andrew Ng's popular Machine Learning course on Coursera. Subsequently realising Python was the language-of-choice, I completed Dr. Charles Severance's Python specialization.

Template courtesy KH Joo, in turn Jon Barron.